The Light Project: Bringing the Light of Christ into Japan's Workplaces

Tomoko Sacks attended the Faith & Work Summer Ministry Intensive in 2016 and founded The Light Project the following year to bring the light of Jesus Christ into Japan's workplaces, and thereby to all of Japan. 

Their faith and work training course is now running in Tokyo, Nagoya and Kobe and has trained 86 participants from 44 churches. The course is a contextualized study of Tim Keller and Katherine Leary Alsdorf’s Every Good Endeavor. Participants learn how the gospel narrative of creation, fall, redemption and restoration informs our work lives. Ayaka Aritake, an accountant who took the course, said this about her experience:

“Before taking the Light training course, I thought that to obey God’s calling I had to quit my job. However, I found out that I was wrong and the course made me realize that I love my work!

At the same time, precisely because I love my work, I was obsessed with my work and I was critical of others who I thought were doing wrong things. However, those attitudes revealed big idols of my heart. God showed me I have the same sin in my heart as others. I don’t know how God may use me in my work, but it is truly a blessing to stand at the starting point of the gospel. I am very thankful to the course.”

The Light Project plans to expand to teaching the course in 1-2 additional cities in each coming year. Please pray for Tomoko Sacks and the work of her team at The Light Project.


Faith & Work Summer Ministry Intensive


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